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Comments (35)

  • Svoka
    I believe I just added first item to my new "retirement hobby projects" list
  • steveridout
    Even if you don't feel like reading the whole article, do yourself a favor and skip down to the video of the final product at the very end. It's delightful and put a big smile on my face. The fact that all the modern technology is hidden inside leaving only the wooden structure visible makes it magical, like something from Harry Potter.
  • pugio
    This reminds me of "The Luggage" from the Discworld (Rincewind) books by Terry Pratchett. I never expected to see a real-world version. Way cool!
  • abraae
    No need for the classic HN "but why" question.The video of the table obediently delivering a beer and bowl of snacks to the owner says it all.
  • liendolucas
    Some people are just so creative... It stole me a good laugh seeing the Carpentopod facilitating beer and chips to its master only to park politely (but not silently!) side to its less capable static fellow. I want to see more of these fantastic creations!
  • stronglikedan
    Oh, cool! A remote controlled strandbeest!
  • ipsum2
    Someone named de Carpentier doing a neat wood-working project. How fitting.
  • throwthrowuknow
    I need to make this but as a chest and glue little fake feet to the legs.
  • ziofill
    Is there a place where one can buy pre-built leg parts or even pre-assembled legs? That seems like the most difficult part, then attaching them onto stuff I can do too.
  • iseanstevens
    Absolutely wonderful to see in motion. Things like this brought to life are one of the Most exciting uses of AI to me.
  • NotAnOtter
    This sounded very stupid and just a rip off of other projects at first.By the end of the article I was impressed.
  • wonderwonder
    This brought a legitimate smile to my face. Well done on this. Gives off a real bio-mechanism vibe.
  • mharig
  • prmph
    What's wrong with just having a table that rolls? Why does it have to walk? Cool project though, but it sounds like a solution in search of a problem.