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Comments (49)

  • v1ne
    I don't know. My experience as a contributor to Sigrok was sad: I significantly improved a driver and wanted to upstream those changes, but was met with "well, the maintainer has little time, can you slice your changes into smaller pieces?", and honestly, after a months of doing that, waiting weeks for feedback, explaining things, I lost interest. Also, with time, I honestly don't remember some details of the changes beyond what's in the commit messages.I also found the style of the code quite antiquated, without any wish to change that. But that's my taste.So, in the end, my work on that driver felt wasted.
  • jdboyd
    My experience using sigrok with cheap fx2 based logic analyzer hardware was great, and I heavily recommend it. My experience using it as a GUI for an oscilloscope was less impressive (it wasn't so interactive).The next time I need my oscilloscope, I want to take a few moments to try out
  • harvie
    I am still waiting for my driver to be merged :-(
  • MobiusHorizons
    Quite a useful tool! I was trying to build an IR remote converter and I wrote a custom protocol decoder for sigrok to help compare the incoming signal and what my code was producing. Very useful debugging tool. Quite powerful with the cheap salae knockoffs
  • night862
    Sigrok is a really valuable project. Thanks!The greatest issue I see is that this is a fairly niche field for open source software historically due to the difficulty of acquiring the actual logic analyzers for a personal or student lab at times. People in general see older projects as establish and will often guide their focus to their own greenfield interests.There are now a growing number of people entering this area of development however and more projects are being founded every month as availability and support for good-quality, stable hardware is increasing!This is an exciting time for open source analysis, and given the availability and maturity of older 24mhz logic analyzers, on-demand manufacturing and supporting protects (kicad) I expect this to continue.Hopefully sigrok takes on some new contributors who can engender even greater cooperation from this extremely relevant and exciting project!
  • nezza-_-
    For me PulseView unfortunately has been very buggy and I never really got it to work (neither with an old Saleae 8, a new Saleae Pro 16, or an FX2 clone) well and without constant crashes.I tried on Linux & mac, but never could get it to run well. I'd be super curious to chat with someone who had a different experience on what you've been doing differently from me!I love the idea of Sigrok, so would love to get it to work (well) for me
  • unwind
    Wow, cool to see Sigrok here, I wonder if there was some particular "trigger" story or how that happened. Glad to think that there will be many "lucky 10,000" [1] today.I haven't used it in years, but I clicked back to the first devlist email I had, and it seems that was from 2010. Wow. It's really old and feels well established, a great success!No idea how live it is as an open source project, I have to check out the current status.[1]:
  • hommelix
    Sigrok wiki is a great source to check for protocol documentation of measuring device.
  • the_biot
    The current sigrok maintainer is trying to take part in this discussion (username abraxa), and is in general trying to reinvigorate the project.However, one or more of you idiots keeps downvoting every single one of his comments, and they're all marked dead, and invisible.
  • Laksen
    Sigrok is awesome. The pulseview UI is pretty much perfect for configuring decodersThe only downside is the stability issues (fast crash to desktop). Happens pretty much every time I use it. Still the best tool of its kind
  • mowfask
    Sigrok is amazing! The killer feature for me is sigrok-cli. With it you basically convert from electrical signal to Unix pipe.Super useful for running e.g. timing measurements and quick-and-dirty plotting. Or grepping through millions of signal transitions to pin down a nasty race condition.
  • godelski
    There's a lot of complaints here about how slow the project is and that it's single maintainer, but also how valuable and useful it isIs this a funding problem?Do we need to have the xz conversation again?I really do love OSS but we need to figure out something where valuable projects aren't just hobbies or side projects (not even a side hustle). With all this time can we not improve on our model? To get funding where it's needed? This is also a friendly reminder than most big tech companies will donation match, so maybe send $5 to a few of your favorite projects. You're making big money now, you can buy a few beers for you friend (and put a few on the company's dime).
  • ttshaw1
    Anyone tried both this and QCoDeS? We use QCoDeS in our lab after deciding Keysight's Labber wasn't tenable, and I'm curious how they compare.